We Believe in Stories
C.S. Lewis once said, “You can make anything by writing.” Stories have the power to create new and imaginative worlds where ideas can be discovered and adventures can be lived. Rather than outright telling us facts or lessons, stories allow us to step into the character’s shoes and discover truths and lessons all on our own.
“Frankly, there isn’t anyone you couldn’t learn to love once you’ve heard their story.”
-Mr. Rogers
Artwork by Melissa Manwill
We Believe in Dreams
In May of 2014, the Dreamling team hosted The Dreamathon, a themed and interactive art exhibit with the mission to inspire visitors to follow their dreams. The exhibit was put on by over 150 differents artists, storytellers, musicians and athletes, and attended by over ten thousand visitors. Century-old and now-retired Granite High School was brought back to life through the efforts and dreams of all involved.
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